Option Strategies
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The Moon Module primarily utilizes European strip put options with 8-hour expiries. These options are re-struck at the end of each period, ensuring continuous coverage. Additionally, the module employs weekly and monthly options to maintain flexibility and adapt to varying market conditions.
Options will be weekly or monthly, with at least two active tenors.
A set of strikes will be used, roughly 30% - 70% Out of the Money (OTM).
The structure will resemble the VIX with weights of , so the left tail is most heavily weighted.
The Collateral Vault will seed the starting option basket in the nearest tenor.
When a new position is entered during the week, additional options are opened in the back tenor.
When an existing position is exited during the week, options are closed in the front tenor.
The goal is to keep the weighted duration stable and cause a natural rolling of the position.
The choice of what tenor to buy/sell can be adjusted based on the LTV and the needs of the participating parties.
Strike prices for the options range between 30% and 70% Out of the Money (OTM). This range is selected to provide a balanced approach to risk management, capturing significant price drops without incurring excessive costs. The weighting structure follows a model similar to the VIX, with heavier weights assigned to the left tail (lower strike prices) to prioritize protection against substantial declines.